Nr.Absteigen sortiert Acronym Absteigen sortiert Titel  Dauer  Letztes Update 
1 WOCE World Ocean Circulation Experiment 1990-2002 10.09.2009
2 SPICOSA Gulf of Riga 2007-2011 22.09.2009
3 SISCAL Satellite-based information System on Coastal areas and lakes 2001-2004 22.02.2006
4 SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management 2006-2009 10.09.2009
5 REVAMP Regional validation of MERIS chlorophyll products in North Sea coastal waters 2002-2005 08.09.2009
6 PRESTEPSE Integrated assessment of the impact of the Prestige's oil spill in Galicia and in the Gulf of Biscay: toxicological, ecological, productive and socio-economical aspects 2003-2008 20.09.2006
7 PolarView Earth Observation for Polar Monitoring 2005- 07.09.2009
8 PIONEER Preparation and Integration of Analysis Tools towards Operational Forecast of Nutrients in Estuaries of European Rivers 14.02.2006
9 PAPA Programme for a bAltic network to assess and upgrade an oPerational observing and forecAsting System in the region 2002-2005 10.09.2009
10 OROMA Operational radar and optical mapping in monitoring hydrodynamic, morphodynamic and environmental parameter for coastal management 2002-2005 18.08.2006
11 OPCOM Operational Modelling for Coastal Zone Management 1997-2000 03.03.2006
12 OILECO Integrating ecological values in the decision making process on oil 2005-2007 29.06.2007
13 OFEW Operationalisierung von Fernerkundungsmethoden für das Wattenmeermonitoring 2005-2007 08.09.2009
14 ODON Optimal Design of Observational Networks 2003-2005 10.09.2009
15 MyOcean MyOcean 2009-2012 16.09.2009
16 MOTIIVE Marine Overlays on Topography for Annex II Valuation and Exploitation 2005-2007 09.01.2007
17 MERSEA Marine Environment and Security for the European Area 2004-2008 12.09.2006
18 Medspiration European Service for Near Real Time Precise Sea Surface Temperature 2004-2005 10.09.2009
19 MARISS European Maritime Security Services 2005-2007 07.09.2009
20 MarCoast Marine & Coastal Environmental Information Services 2007-2009 10.09.2009
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